Season 1 of BudepComics.

Budep comics season 1 includes stuff about space barrels, strange pug men, weird demigods, blue-haired politicians, lots of robots, a pajama dragon and a bald yellow thing called a budep.

Don't we all.



Future me here, there used to be a comment here but I formatted it wrong and now it's lost to time.

o7 comment.

Hello strange pug man

That's Pugexlt (pronounced Pug-zelt) and he's basically a god.

Welp, now you're stuck. Plot convenience!

More characters? Wow. My approximately 1 reader will be stunned! Also, I'll probably quit this drawing site, it's really a pain to use.

Nice shades.

Still haven't quit the site because everything else sucks :P

Bunch of idiots out in the desert, talking. What could this be a reference to?

(Hint) (also the hat lol)


All these people are from Cyball :V

I think I made the hyperlinks not redirect you all the time but I haven't tested it yet.

Edit: It works I think

Edit: I forgot to make that speech bubble square dangit

Edit: There are a lot of edits

Edit: I forgot to write on this strip

Edit: I wrote on this strip

Barrel boy screams a lot.

Pug is fun to draw

(I definitely didn't forget to draw the line from the barrel to the ship

or the words on the shirt


Maybe someday I'll figure out how to draw my own characters


There's a new animations tab! Click on it! (If you want)

Sorry for no comic yesterday (doubt you noticed I have no readers) I wasn't feeling well :/

Anyways, I'm trying a new style with thinner lines n' stuff

Also, I'm working on an animation for a contest that always gets like 300 views so maybe if I link this website on it I'll have some actual readers soon :D

Another no strip yesterday looks like it's not a daily schedule after all :P I still wasn't feeling well and I have like, school, this isn't my job obviously.

Also, 10 strips yay

A portal? I thought it was ham!

Sorry for blurriness it went through 2 more edits than usual :/

Her hands are in the sleeves I definitely didn't forget to draw them

Oop. I think my characters need some redesigns soon :P

Yay, we learn the name of the main character. Woo.

The-The "thing?" What thing?!?

Also, haven't uploaded in a week & a half

not very professional

but I don't do this for a living, so...


Perfect time to change POVs

Now we'll never know what the thing is

Dunno what to write here :P

Dang Lu.

But who is Lu? (been a character for a while in Cyball, as has everyone in this comic lol)

Ah, so that's the thing.


The next Plebian Animation is almost done! Just need Zero and Lu to record voice lines!

(...which will take like seven years, they aren't known for their speed)

Kinda creepy ngl


You know Cyball? The big, mysterious comic series that came before this? Well, turns out there were some previously undiscovered plot holes.

Potato, Pug and I are working on fixing it.

Hey, that guy's back!


Also Pug and Lu and Potato and I fixed the timeline

Now there's another problem concerning Lu's storyline, which Lu and I have to deal with

ah well.

Also, games! Now you can play Oregon Fail and Clicker Clicker 3 on this very website!


aaaand we're back to this story

would've been done two days ago but I didn't know what Lu looks like >:P

(like that apparently)

Lu's story is still broken

Now in addition to Lu and I, Potato and Pug are joining in and getting headaches trying to fix plot holes

what fun

Making bios and stuff next comic won't be in a while


WHAT?!? SHADING?!? LIGHTING?!? AM I-- IMPROVING?!? (no I was just previously too lazy to do this)

Anyways, yeah here's a comic. Bios are done, I didn't write on the portraits, now you can sell them as nfts!

Just when I thought I'd finished writing in Lu's plotline, she told me that was only half of it.

Thanks Lu.

Rip pug

This is a conversation we had in real life that we all really laughed at :P

Royce in this comic represents Potato in real life, who is autistic, trust me it was funny! He laughed at it.

New shading, probably have to tone it down a bit, it looks like someones shining a flashlight directly down on everyone :V


There is no news today oh boy

Gud joob

I forgot valentines day existed happy valentines day.

Lesser Puguy turns into Beepatrice from QC in panel two, just so you know :P

Forgot to shade it, ah well not doing that now.

If I were a hologram I'd be a different color every day

Who's that?

Remembered shading today, good job me

turns out pug is evil :0

Another cliffhanger hahaaaaaa

Forgot to color the things on the spaceship ah well gonna ignore that

Plebian Animation 15 is out on scratch, how nice. Watch here. Will premiere sometime in april on the youtubes :D

(in case you need a synced version)


Who is that?

No comic lately, sorry about that, been doing some stuff on Scratch and also stuff for Robin's upcoming series. Here's a character design for it!

(note: all images that aren't comics will be at the bottom of this page)


This comic took a while

I drew all of panel two and Lu was like "That's not how it's supposed to be at all!"

So now you have this!

(The old version looked better |:(

Anyways, I'm going to try and make my comics less blurry (If I can figure it out lol :P)

Also, have any of you read Sam and Fuzzy? The internets recommended it to me about 3 days ago and I must say it's a very good comic.

(If you're one of my two readers then now know :V)


Look! Image quality!

It takes longer to do and there's a lot of lag! Also doing the dialogue hurts my brain!

But it looks cool!

Also it crashed halfway through and set me back a day, but it's not like I have deadlines.


March 14 2022

Man was that weekend an hour shorter than it used to be or what

(daylight saving joke move along :P)


Oh yeah and there's like a new character or something that too


March 18 2022

How heartwarming.

Lu and I are working on a database for budeps!

Which are a species in addition to my username!

rouxls kaard

March 23 2022


(that's a catchphrase of Pug and also Royce (aka Potato but thought it was weird that he was called Potato in the mentions here)

Also fez guy is back. I like him.

And I made the white stripes on stuff less blinding, which is nice I guess.

Budep database is going slow which means comics will also go slow because I'm multitasking and I also do all this stuff pretty much just during lunch

He's asking because he's near out of water

March 24 2022

In the comics we don't act like our real life counterparts, we're actually parodies designed to be funnier.

Except Royce is so funny in real life I don't have to do that much :P

lazers are different than lasers

March 28 2022

How about that Lu? Since when can she teleport and get pulled into different realities?

Should I explain this?


Also, happy comic 33! I read somewhere (I don't know if it's correct) that that's the average number of comics someone makes before quitting. I'm average! Yay! I celebrated by letting you see a budep in the comic. That's what the bald short yellow green weird thing is.

Budep database! Going slow. But here's some images!


March 31 2022


(Technically budeps don't have genders and therefore cannot be "boys," but in moments of intense trauma like this you may forget.)

Also I forgot the mustache again last comic ugh

ah well.

I'm working on a new animation! It's completely ridiculous.

BUDEP DATABASE! MORE PICTURES! (10 down, 305 to go!)

April 1 2022

April fools!

More comics coming soon :)

P.S. Anyone listened to the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album? It's good :0

criminal pizza: our prices are criminal

April 5 2022


I feel like that would be a meme if people knew about it

Anyway, the return of the coolest senile old man and...


Here's some more budeps:


April 8 2022


(that's an Alice Grove reference.)

(If you don't know what Alice Grove is, it's this cool sci-fi fantasy comic)

This is how I imagine characters act behind the scenes of badly scripted comics/movies or whatever.

Anyways, yes plot yes indeed.

Also, uploads will be going slower because of like actual school. Yep, school, that thing.

Here's some budeps!


You will have no idea what the heck is going on if you have not read this.

Anyways, I made the text smaller. So I can fit more. I might make it bigger again I don't know.

(also, that is not Leo Smith)

Spring break! I will not be comicing until like a week from now I guess :P


(Lu practically scrapped this project but whatever I like drawing budeps)

Yeah, but what IS it?

April 19 2022

No idea what happened to the date last time sorry 'bout that.

Anyways, I've returned! My break was good. Saw Elton John! If you know me, and most of my readers do lol, I like straight up rock, none of this "pop" stuff. But he was really good!

Here's your comic. I can't continue this story that far because I need Pug for that and he mysteriously disappeared. Hope he pops back into existence soon.

Have some budeps!

The budep database is almost certainly never getting done.

But I'll finish the first group, and then probably quit because drawing them takes forever.


April 21 2022

A pug guy

More pugarians! Thanks Pug.

Sorry for using the wrong speech bubbles a couple days ago.

Here's some budeps. They take forever to draw lol.

What's a god stone?

April 25 2022

We've come to steal your GODSTONE

Pugexlt and Puguy  are two Pugarians, part of Pug's storyline. It has a truly amazing amount of lore, enough to seep into this comic. If he ever puts his stuff online, I'll be sure to put a link :)

Q&A (if you want to ask a question, here you go! I, however have no idea if that link works.)

Q: I figgin LOVE your comic! Also, you keep mentioning Cyball comic, all I can find is a crazy fandom, how do I read those to? -Ivan

A: You can't see them as of now, but starting this summer i will be uploading some! Some of the dialogue may be blacked out because I probably made a lot of copyrighted references, but you will be able to read them!

Q: is the comics ever going to appear in the animations or are they separate things? -Ivan

A: This question is about my animation series. The answer is that the animation timeline and comic timeline are completely different, however, the animations are canon in the comics as animations, meaning theoretically the comic's characters could watch the animations. (In some of the Cyball comics, you wan see characters with Plebian Animation merch!)

That's all for Q&A. Have some budeps.


April 26 2022

Life the universe and everything

Who's wonderliam? You'll find out this summer! Probably!

And also in the next comic. See you then!

No budeps today because I'm making a cookie clicker poster instead.

"He's right, they're pyjamas!" -Everyone who isn't american

April 28 2022

Migration cube <3 dandelions

Happy early birthday Wonderliam!

So, uh, who's the dragon man? He's actually pajama guy/Liam from a different reality. All is explained in Cyball, but you won't find out the explanation for a while lol.

Anyways, here's the cookie clicker poster I was talking about:

Maybe I should say my characters' names from time to time. ...Nah...

May 2 2022

A spire on the horizon

Making your characters solid black because you don't want to draw a three headed dragon man again. 10 trillion IQ.

Seriously Liam, why'd you make your character so hard to draw?

(He wanted like 7 heads but I vetoed that, luckily)


No idea what that red thing is supposed to be

May 3 2022

One is slightly tanner

Okay, but what's a god stone?

Plebian Animation 16 is out on scratch, episodes 11-16 will soon be out on youtube!

Having to collapse three realities didn't happen in this comic, don't think you missed something :P It's actually part of Pug's (extremely expansive) lore, part of which takes place within my (slightly less expansive but hopefully still impressive) lore, which means I have some creative control over the adventures of Pugexlt.

Here's some budeps.


May 5 2022

Perhaps the archives are incomplete

Didn't put up a comic on Star Wars day because I was doing star wars stuff!

Like this lightsaber I made! I also made a short animation.

What a coincidence

May 9 2022

PLOT HOLES, BEGONE! *creates more plot holes*

The part of the lore made by Lu is incredibly convoluted and hopelessly incomplete, but hopefully I got this part right.

Literally just today, Royce, Pug, Lu and I were yelling about it. It is the source of many arguments.

You can now watch all the Plebian Animations on YouTube!

If you're wondering what the heck the Holo Haptic Universe is, you'll find out this summer when I release 2019's Cyball: The Holo Haptic Universe. It is... Incredibly cheesy and weird, but that's on purpose, I swear! Honestly it's not a comic I'm that happy with looking back, but I think it's still interesting and is definitely crucial to the larger plot.

Anyways, budeps. Almost done, just like 15-ish to go.

There are different realities, but not like a multiverse or anything

May 11 2022

My brain hurts

Comprehending Lu's lore just kicked into high gear.

We made a document and filled it with what we knew, and I knew surprisingly little. (this is probably because Lu makes up stuff every three seconds and doesn't figure out a way to put it into the plot) It is a pain but I want to get it right.

Case in point, I changed the last comic because according to Pug it shouldn't look like that. Here's the original yesterday's comic in case you're a completionist or something:

Anyways, budeps!

Help there's too much setup

May 12 2022

Wooo comprehensibility

The lore is still hopelessly incomplete, but at least Lu said I got today's right.

Finals week! (next week)

I might not put up as many comics, but this will probably not be the last one before summer. I still have to check in on the other storyline, just had to write this down before Lu or Pug change the lore again.


May 13 2022

The Big 5-oh

Friday the 13th :0

Hmm yes, amazing technological advancements, such as tilting the dialogue slightly.

Anyways, the speech bubbles are very confusing in this one, but it doesn't really matter. Also, I managed to fit another comic in before next week yay!

I however, will not have time to finish Plebian Animation 17. It should come out after summer (because we can't record voice lines during summer), in like August or early September. Sorry everyone (and sorry Felix :V)

Ah well. Budeps! The last 4!


May 17 2022

A 10-page google doc

Look! A comic! Unbelievable!

After filling 6 timelines and 10 pages, I've gotten NOWHERE in Lu's lore! She keeps adding more as fast as I can comphend the old stuff! Well, it's not really a problem, I love yelling about lore. The lastest problem is that Royce doesn't like the reality system Pug, Lu and I have created.

Second-smartest computer

May 17 2022

Time enough at last

So basically I'm in the middle of testing but I don't have anything until next week, so I'm speedrunning comics while I can!

Also, guess what? Lu's lore is practically understandable! Aside from one short-lived plot thingy involving a magic Japanese dragon and a cult, it all makes sense!

It's mounted above his main door

May 18 2022

They Call me the Workin' Man

Another comic hastily pieced together during lunch today, they sure go quick when you don't have to draw budeps too :D

Next week: Mostly testing, probably 0-1 comics.

You may hate Murphy but he makes for some good plot.

May 23, 2022


No tests today :D Also no arguing with Lu, so I could draw this in peace :P

Also, have you heard the new Smile album? It's good.

(haha no one knows who the smile is)

May 25, 2022

I will be your poster child

Budepcomics is done! For summer, I will update under Cyball.

For now, here's a poster!

I apologise to Liam for not putting him on the poster. But he's too good for us anyways.


Season 1 (budeps only)